Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pakistan tradtion's JLeonaggeo

Henna is used in every traditional pakistan wedding. Henna is the dye derived from the henna plant. Henna is applied to the hands and the feet, one of the hands of the pakistan women that are involved in the wedding and both of the hands of the bride as well. Since mostle every part of the pakistan womens skin is covered, henna is used as a complex design to cover the hands from being bare. The different intricate designs are used throughout every traditional pakistan wedding ceremony.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pakistan war and history

Pakistan is a country located in southeast asia. The capital of pakistan Islamabad and the largest city is karachi. Some key events that occured during Pakistans history comes from the peaceful protestor in Gandhi when the Indian national congressed formed in 1855. On August 14, 1947 pakistan was officialy created. 1971 , East Pakistan secedes and bangekdesh was formed. This is a Pakistan video about the war on pakistan, a place that has been facing a constant struggle with neighboring territories for many of years.

Pakistan Life and people


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Fishermen holding a net

Congo River

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